The Canadian Fisheries Research Network (CFRN) has successfully linked industry, academia and government across Canada in collaborative research on issues of direct relevance to industry and management. The CFRN will wrap up in December 2015 and there is interest in continuing the established research collaboration. A proposed theme for a new network that has emerged from discussions within the CFRN is: Research to support fisheries management in a changing environment.

The CFRN will be holding a workshop to explore the possibility of a new national collaborative fisheries research network under this theme. The CFRN has issued a Call for Ideas for potential case studies for further discussion and development at the workshop. 

The proposed 2-3 day workshop will be held in August or September 2015. The workshop will be built around discussion of Canadian fishery case studies received in response to this Call for Ideas. The workshop will bring together interested participants from industry, government and academia to: 

1.    Deliberate on and further define the proposed research theme.
2.    Discuss funding opportunities.
3.    Define elements of a network proposal including key participants, case studies and a network narrative.

Deadline for submission is Wednesday, July 8, 2015. Workshop participation is limited by travel funding. A planning team of industry, academic and government representatives appointed by the CFRN Board of Directors will review the proposals, in relation to participation in the workshop. For more details including proposal content and selection criteria, click here to view the Call for Ideas.

All inquires are to be directed to CFRN Manager, Susan Thompson, at [email protected] or (506) 453-4531.